Linux Format

Sonic Robo Blast 2

Version: 2.2.11 Web:


Sonic the Hedgehog was a mainstay of ’90s console gaming. Sonic Robo Blast 2 (SRB2) combines Sonic with another behemoth of the era: Doom. SRB2 is built using a modified version of the Doom Legacy port of Doom, and has been in developmen­t since 1998.

The developers don’t distribute binaries for Linux, and instead point to the Flatpak created by its community that you can install with flatpak install flathub org.srb2.SRB2 .

The game features several levels and the gameplay is similar to the original, but has been boosted to three dimensions. Another addition in SRB2 is the multiplaye­r mode that enables players to either play together as a team or against each other.

The game has several multiplaye­r modes, including Coop, which is the same as single-player mode but with multiple players, Competitio­n, Capture the Flag, and more. The multiplaye­r modes can be played either via split-screen or over a network connection. You get to play as Sonic, Tails or Knuckles, each with their own abilities, but all three characters can spin dash, a move that’s distinctiv­e of Sonic.

Your mission remains the same: collect as many rings as possible while traversing each zone as quickly as you can. On the way, you tackle many of the same enemies and hurdles as the original. Currently, SRB2 features six full-length zones. The short first one, Greenflowe­r Zone, is meant to ease players into the game. SRB2 also has a Record Attack mode, where you can replay the levels to get a high score, by either collecting more rings or completing the levels faster.

As SRB2 is built on top of the Doom engine, it is easily customisab­le, and the multitude of user-made add-ons is one of the reasons for its popularity.

 ?? ?? SRB2 lets you relive the original, and playing the game in 3D makes it even more fun and challengin­g.
SRB2 lets you relive the original, and playing the game in 3D makes it even more fun and challengin­g.

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