Linux Format

Distro watch

What’s behind the free software sofa?



The OpenBSD project claims to create an OS that emphasises portabilit­y, standardis­ation, proactive security and integrated cryptograp­hy. Even if you’ve never heard of the OS, you’ve almost certainly used OpenSSH, another of the project’s creations. The latest version (7.4) incorporat­es virtual machine improvemen­ts, wireless networking updates and a quirky random timing feature for the cron daemon. Read the full announceme­nt at


MX Linux is based on the latest stable branch of Debian. Its default environmen­t is Xfce, although KDE, Plasma and Fluxbox versions are also available. The latest version is based on Debian 12.2 Bookworm and includes new and updated applicatio­ns. It also comes with an overhauled installer with support for swapfiles, hibernatio­n and better OEM setups. It supports 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs. The main ISOs also use version 6.1 of the Linux kernel. You can find out more by visiting


Voyager’s main flavour is based on the latest version of Xubuntu, but it uses the Gnome 45 desktop coupled with Xfce 4.18. Features include the Avant Window Navigator, or AWN (a dock-like navigation bar). The operating system also uses Conky to display useful data and includes over 300 pictures that can be used as desktop background­s. The latest version (23.10) now also supports one-click backup. Learn more at https://voyagerliv­


The Slackel distributi­on is based on both Slackware Linux and Salix OS. By default, it uses the latest KDE desktop. The project’s website offers both live and install media. The latest version (7.7) also includes the graphical Slackel Live Installer to enable you to install the operating system to a USB drive. The distro also includes Linux kernel 6.1.57 and the latest updates from the Slackware Current tree.

You can read more about Slackel by visiting:­k.


Ubuntu MATE began as an unofficial fork of Ubuntu in late 2014 but has been an official flavour since February 2015. The latest version includes an update to v1.26.2 of MATE Desktop, along with stunning AI-generated wallpaper. There’s also a number of bug fixes and minor updates. These include an update to libmatemix­er to resolve corruption and clashes when removing USB audio devices. Learn more at:

 ?? ?? Ubuntu MATE is based on the latest Ubuntu stable release.
Ubuntu MATE is based on the latest Ubuntu stable release.
 ?? ?? OpenBSD 7.4 includes improved networking support and bug fixes.
OpenBSD 7.4 includes improved networking support and bug fixes.
 ?? ?? Voyager mixes Xfce and Gnome. Use live mode to see the result.
Voyager mixes Xfce and Gnome. Use live mode to see the result.
 ?? ?? Slackel is based on and compatible with Slackware and Salix.
Slackel is based on and compatible with Slackware and Salix.
 ?? ?? MX supports multiple desktop environmen­ts.
MX supports multiple desktop environmen­ts.

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