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Anyone who works with computers needs to understand that AI will undoubtedl­y change how work is executed. That said, I don’t think we are anywhere near the much bleated “Everyone will lose their jobs!” IT-related jobs will change but they won’t disappear any time soon. It’s in our interests as systems administra­tors to get ahead of the curve and become proficient in wielding AI solutions. Let me give an example of how I use it.

I often need to write scripts to do one-off jobs in PowerShell and Bash. This script was nontrivial but not super-complex. Doing it by hand would have taken several hours of writing and testing. Using correctly posed questions (the prompt in AI lingo), the AI solution wrote the script accurately and only needed minor tweaks.

Later that day, I needed to send an important email. I had trouble wording it well, so fed the task into the internal ChatGTP solution and it summarised into two and half paragraphs what took me two pages.

All this is to say that these tools are there to be used. Most companies are looking at AI, and if you have an internal ChatGPTtyp­e solution, give it a try.

A few words of caution, though: don’t put confidenti­al informatio­n into a public AI. It’s a privacy nightmare. If creating code or scripts, generating data, and so on, don’t blindly copy the output. Verify and check it is correct. Run it in a developmen­t environmen­t first to make sure it does what you expect.

AI is a tool to make your job easier. It can save a lot of time and dull work if correctly used.

 ?? ?? Stuart Burns is a Linux administra­tor for a Fortune 500 company specialisi­ng in Linux.
Stuart Burns is a Linux administra­tor for a Fortune 500 company specialisi­ng in Linux.

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