Linux Format


Version: 2.17.0 Web:


There’s no shortage of resource-guzzling apps on our computers; what is limited, however, are the aforementi­oned resources. So, what do you do when you are working on one processori­ntensive app and need to fire up another? Using Nyrna you can essentiall­y ‘pause’ one app and free up the resources it was hogging,for others to use.

Nyrna is available as a Flatpak and can be installed with flatpak install flathub codes.merritt.Nyrna .

On first launch, the app checks whether there are any missing dependenci­es and lists them, so you can install them from your distro’s package manager.

When you get into the app, it lists all the apps currently running on the computer, along with their process ID (PID). Simply click on an entry in the list to suspend the app, which then disappears from view, and Nyrna displays an orange icon next to it.

Importantl­y, suspending the app also frees up the CPU and GPU resources that were being used by it Remember, however, that suspending an app does not free up RAM. Also, while you can click on the entry for a suspended app to bring it to the foreground again, you can’t do so if you restart the computer.

By default, the app uses the Pause key as the hotkey for suspending the currently active app. A subsequent press resumes that applicatio­n.

You can change the hotkey from within the settings window. Interestin­gly, the app also supports appspecifi­c hotkeys. Once set, these pause or resume their defined app even if their window is not in focus.

Another interestin­g option in the settings window is the Show Hidden Windows toggle. It’s disabled by default, but you can toggle it on if Nyrna fails to catch a running app.

 ?? ?? By default, Nyrna scans for running apps every five seconds. You can change this interval or turn it off completely.
By default, Nyrna scans for running apps every five seconds. You can change this interval or turn it off completely.

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