Linux Format


Version: 3.3.4 Web: https://sourceforg­e. net/projects/rufasslide­r


RufasSlide­r is a collection of 16 block slider puzzles made up of a Klotski-style family, a DirtyDozen family and a Traffic-Rush family. There’s no installati­on involved. Download and extract the game’s archive, then change into the bin/gnu directory and run the rufaslid script, either by double-clicking in the file manager or with ./rufaslid .

The Klotski family uses rectangles of four different sizes. The objective in each game is stated near the top, but usually involves moving a large block to a specified location within the window.

The DirtyDozen family is similar except it’s made of L-shaped puzzle pieces. The Traffic-Rush family uses cars or trucks that can only be moved lengthwise. The goal is to move the red car towards the shaded exit.

The game includes several other classic block slider games, such as Fifteen, Eight, Nine, Panama, MaBoy and more. Also included are two of the developer’s own creations, named Flat7 and FlatAZ.

To move a block in any of the puzzles, use the arrow keys. Rush and MaBoy also allow mouse drags to initiate the moves. If the automatic block selector chooses the wrong block, simply click the cursor on the desired block before using the arrow key. Block selection is not necessary when only one block can move in the indicated direction. For instance, in FourSuits, you don’t need to select a block, because there’s only one empty space. Some puzzles, such as Traffic-Rush and Klotski, also offer an autosolver option. This is particular­ly handy as you can use the autosolver interactiv­ely by pressing the = key repeatedly, which helps you track each and every move involved in solving the puzzle.

 ?? ?? RufasSlide­r is a collection of several variations of Klotski-style 2D slider block puzzles that’ll keep you hooked for hours.
RufasSlide­r is a collection of several variations of Klotski-style 2D slider block puzzles that’ll keep you hooked for hours.

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