Linux Format



1 Obtain plugin

If you installed GIMP through a regular repo, as opposed to Snap or Flatpak, open a terminal window, type sudo apt update && sudo apt install gimp-gutenprint and hit Enter to install the plugin. Once installed, open an image in GIMP followed by the File menu, where you’ll discover a new option – Print With Gutenprint – has been added. Select this to get started.

2 Set up printer

The plugin requires you to first link it to an existing driver: click Setup Printer. Select your printer make and model from the two lists to use a Gutenprint-supplied driver or click Browse to select an existing PPD file, then leave Standard Command selected and click the Default Printer drop-down to select your target printer (and driver) from the list. Click OK.

3 Set printer preference­s

Click Save Settings to record your preference­s so far (and keep periodical­ly doing so). Now scroll through the rest of the options on the Printer Settings tab – most, such as media type (paper) and borderless, are self-explanator­y, but spend time exploring the options under Resolution, which let you optimise your printing by DPI, type (such as photo or photo CD) and quality.

4 Complete setup – and print

Continue working through the options – you can change the printout’s appearance using the Output tab by clicking Adjust Output to reveal a series of buttons and controls enabling you to apply colour correction, plus tweak colour balance, contrast and brightness, among other things. A preview window helps you see how it will affect your printout. When done, click Close > Print.

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