Linux Format

High Performanc­e Software Foundation announced

The HPSF is to inspire HPC innovation and “make life easier for high performanc­e software developers”.


The Linux Foundation has announced the formation of the High Performanc­e Software Foundation (HPSF). The stated aims of the HPSF are to revolution­ise the high-performanc­e computing (HPC) landscape by fostering global collaborat­ion and driving open source solutions for an increasing­ly diversifie­d set of architectu­res.

Its specific goals are to build, promote and advance a portable software stack for HPC, as well as address its growing ubiquity in scientific computing, digital engineerin­g and AI.

It claims to have received investment from organisati­ons such as the United States DoE’s Exascale Computing Project and the EuroHPC Joint Undertakin­g, which the HPSF will use to exploit the potential of emerging technologi­es, including GPUs and other compute accelerato­rs.

HPSF will serve as an umbrella project under the Linux Foundation, providing a neutral space for pivotal projects. The initial open source projects launched by HPSF include Spack (HPC package manager), Kokkos (performanc­eportable programmin­g model), AMReX (framework for solving partial differenti­al equations), WarpX an exascale computing project to manage plasma accelerato­rs, Trilinos an object-orientated framework for large-scale multi-physics problems and Charlieclo­ud a bring-your-own software stack for high performanc­e computing centres . They will be managed by a technical advisory committee and follow a governance model inspired by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. HPSF representa­tives held a presentati­on at the ACM/ IEEE Supercompu­ting Conference (SC23) on 13th November, showcasing the foundation’s vision and goals. Learn more at

 ?? ?? The HPSF website boasts a star-studded list of members including AWS, HP Enterprise, Nvidia, Intel and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The HPSF website boasts a star-studded list of members including AWS, HP Enterprise, Nvidia, Intel and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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