Linux Format

Persistent storage

These distros aren’t as useful if they can’t remember changes you make.


Making permanent changes is rather simple on EasyOS. The first time it boots on a flash drive, it expands to fill the drive for storage for files and changes to the system. From then on, you click on the Save icon on the backdrop if you want to make any changes permanent. You are also prompted to save every time you shut the system down.

For Ubuntu, we followed the official Ubuntu recommenda­tion and used MKUSB to create the live flash drive, and this gave us an operating environmen­t that was much the same as the standard Ubuntu.

The official instructio­ns for Linux Lite also suggested that we use MKUSB, and that’s what we did. This splits the partition between data storage and storage for system changes. For dayto-day use, this is similar to using a normal, hard-disk-based, Linux distributi­on.

The currently recommende­d method for installing Porteus and making it persistent between boots is to install from one flash drive on to another, so we did. From the user’s perspectiv­e, if something is altered in the home directory, the change is preserved between boots. Porteus has its own system for adding applicatio­ns that requires some manual file copying.

The AntiX docs recommende­d that we used the official installer, but we couldn’t get that to work. We followed suggestion number two and installed from a live flash drive on to another. Our first attempt failed because the installer declared the media to be corrupted on multiple download attempts. Eventually, we were successful installing like this with a different edition of the distro. From then on, your changes are permanent.

 ?? ?? MKUSB is a tool to create persistent USB live installati­ons. It’s easy to use, and some of these distributi­ons recommend it in their documentat­ion.
MKUSB is a tool to create persistent USB live installati­ons. It’s easy to use, and some of these distributi­ons recommend it in their documentat­ion.
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