Linux Format

Documentat­ion and support

How you get the distro installed and how you use it once done.


AntiX is closely connected to its base distro MX Linux and some of the resources are shared. The AntiX site has a forum with lots of sections with reasonable activity levels. However, much of the AntiX documentat­ion is spread around between the FAQ, the wiki and other resources, and much of it is out of date and has broken web links. The documentat­ion for the live features is still useful, once you find it.

Like most of EasyOS, the main website has a slightly scruffy, homegrown look. However, the documentat­ion is complete, covers most areas of installati­on and usage, and is kept up to date by the developer. EasyOS is derived from Puppy Linux, and some solutions for that OS work for EasyOS. EasyOS has its own reasonably active forum on the Puppy Linux website.

Ubuntu is one of the best-known and most well-supported Linux distros. It has forums, tutorials and documentat­ion on the official site and around the net. Ubuntu on a flash drive is less common, but the documentat­ion for handling it is on the official site. Most of the time, you’d use a combinatio­n of the Ubuntu and MKUSB documentat­ion if you run into problems.

The Linux Lite documentat­ion on the website seems to be written with Linux newbies in mind. On the negative side, there is a lot of advertisin­g, and much of the documentat­ion feels like a work in progress. If you are familiar with Linux, you might be better off falling back on to Ubuntu and Debian documentat­ion to solve problems. There is a forum with a lot of subforums and it is reasonably active. We like the first-run dialog as it contains useful links to some of these resources, online and off.

The Porteus documentat­ion consists of a long FAQ and a wiki containing various tutorials, and we appreciate the absence of outdated material and cruft, such as general Linux informatio­n.

 ?? ?? It’s difficult to compete with the support that Ubuntu Linux enjoys. That said, the specific setup of Ubuntu on a flash drive is less common and less well documented.
It’s difficult to compete with the support that Ubuntu Linux enjoys. That said, the specific setup of Ubuntu on a flash drive is less common and less well documented.
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