Linux Format

Solve hardware issues

Fix classic problems first-timers have with displays, networks and more.


opefully your introducti­on to Elementary will be a smooth one, but if you run into problems when running on real hardware don’t panic. As with Windows, most issues are down to drivers, but if you tick the option to install proprietar­y drivers during setup, you should avoid most issues.

One issue you can’t avoid if you’re trying to run the Elementary OS live environmen­t on a PC with Nvidia graphics is the fact that it boots to a virtually unreadable desktop that’s bright yellow with white text. The solution is to reboot, then choose Try Or Install Elementary OS (Safe Graphics) at the first boot menu. If you subsequent­ly don’t tick the proprietar­y driver box when installing Elementary, you’re faced with the same virtually unreadable desktop. To fix this postinstal­l, add the required Nvidia drivers from a terminal window. Enter the following two commands, then reboot: $ sudo apt install linuxheade­rs-$(uname -r)

$ sudo apt-get install nvidiadriv­er-525

If you suffer from other less severe colour issues, the likely culprit is a faulty monitor colour profile. You can try navigating to System Settings > Displays > Filters and experiment­ing with the options there for a temporary fix, but a more permanent solution involves using a terminal-only app called Colormgr with the following commands:

$ colormgr get-devices-by-kind display | grep “Device ID” $ colormgr find-profile-by-filename ‘/usr/share/color/

Hicc/colord/sRGB.icc’ | grep “Profile ID”

In the following line, substitute Device ID and Profile ID with the values returned by the first two commands: $ colormgr device-add-profile YourDevice­ID


If this solves the issue, make the switch permanent: $ colormgr device-make-profile-default

‘YourDevice­ID’ ‘YourProfil­eID’

Fix networking issues

Another bugbear is getting your PC connected to the network and thus the internet. Driver issues should only affect certain wireless adaptors, and hopefully they should be covered by the proprietar­y drivers, but sometimes you need to jump through more hoops.

Click the Network button in the top-right, then click Network Settings. This should verify whether your wired or wireless network adaptor has been detected (it’s in the list if it is) and if it’s connected. In most cases, the automatic settings should get you connected, but if you need to configure the connection manually, click Advanced Settings. For Ethernet connection­s, focus on the IPv4 Settings tab for setting IP addresses.

If your adaptor isn’t present, you need to track down drivers. If you don’t know its make and model, input one of the following commands, depending on its type: $ lspci -v | grep Ethernet

$ lspci -v | grep Wireless

Visit the manufactur­er’s website for info or search the web for Ubuntu 22.04 installati­on instructio­ns (the procedure should be the same in Elementary).

Printer issues

If you’re unable to get your printer working via System Settings > Printers, see our guide to working with printers in LXF309, or visit https://openprinti­ng.github. io for a guide to the new OpenPrinti­ng protocols.

 ?? ?? If your network adapter is detected, but you still can’t connect, visit the Network section to set it up properly.
If your network adapter is detected, but you still can’t connect, visit the Network section to set it up properly.

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