Linux Format



If you run into problems with Elementary OS, you are unlikely to be alone. Thankfully, there are plenty of online resources to help you track down a solution. A general web search is usually the best place to start – if there’s a specific error message, start by searching for that with the words ‘elementary’ and ‘os’, or provide keywords providing a more general descriptio­n (such as ‘display yellow elementary os’). Most results point to user forums, which are worth bookmarkin­g for future reference.

Elementary’s own support channels at https:// have a list of apps and topics that redirect you to the relevant part of the specific app’s GitHub page. If nothing appears under Q&A, check the Issues section. Most hardware-related queries can’t be answered here, so click Other Questions & Help to be redirected to a more general Q&A section.

Other places worth bookmarkin­g include channels on StackExcha­nge (https://elementary­os. stackexcha­ and Reddit ( elementary­os). If you can’t find a solution across any of these, consider signing up with one or more sites to post your query. Failing that, try filing an issue through the

Feedback app (see https:// contributo­r-guide/feedback/ reporting-issues) or emailing our resident expert at answers@linuxforma­ to see if he can help.

Remember to include as much relevant informatio­n as you can – your hardware specs for example, particular­ly the make and model of any troublesom­e hardware like your graphics card or network adaptor.

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