Linux Format



Docker support for Raspberry Pi has improved considerab­ly over the past couple of years, with straightfo­rward, easy installati­on and management that is almost on a par with desktop systems.

If you’re unfamiliar with Docker, it’s worth spending a few moments considerin­g how this software works, and the impact of using it on a Raspberry Pi with external storage attached.

Docker is a virtualisa­tion system that enables you to run one or more applicatio­ns in an isolated environmen­t. These applicatio­ns are prepackage­d and ready to run, and are known as containers. They feature all the prerequisi­tes and supporting software for the applicatio­n, so little or no additional installati­on is required. Containers are also lightweigh­t and can be easily shared or removed. They can even be moved to a new location, with no impact on performanc­e and stability.

What all of this means is that when it comes to downloadin­g your Docker container(s) on a Raspberry Pi, they can be on any mounted drive. This is really useful because the YML file that is part of the Seafile configurat­ion apparently doesn’t support specifying a path to an external drive. It also doesn’t support symlinks. Therefore, the solution is to install the Seafile container on the external drive.

In terms of performanc­e, the hit is negligible. You’re switching from using the SD card to using a USB drive, preferably an SSD or mechanical HDD, rather than USB flash. So, you get faster data transfer and the SD card enjoys a longer lifespan.

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