Linux Format


Version: 3.10.1 Web: https://feh.finalrewin­


You don’t have to be an experience­d campaigner to know the usefulness of the command-line interface (CLI). Any task that you can do on Linux can be handled better on the CLI. Sure, while the GUI is convenient to operate, it can’t match the speed and dexterity of the CLI. So, why should viewing images, a quintessen­tial GUI task, be any different?

Feh is an image viewer that, unlike the ones you are used to, works on the CLI. And no, it doesn’t display images inside the console as ASCII text. It shows them just like your everyday viewer does; it just lacks the GUI controls you get with other image viewers. Instead, it’s completely keyboard-driven and can be set up with CLI arguments.

Feh doesn’t put up binary packages, and is only available as a source tarball that you have to install manually. However, it’s available in the official repos of most distributi­ons, which saves you the effort of compiling it yourself. Users of Debian-based distros such as Ubuntu and Mint can install it with sudo apt install feh , while sudo dnf install feh installs it for

Fedora users.

To use Feh, just point it at the image you want to view. For example, feh some-image.jpg displays the image in a new window. The image is displayed at 100% resolution. You can use the up and down arrow keys to zoom in or zoom out, while the > and < keys can be used to rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise and anticlockw­ise. When you’re done, press q to close the image and return to the CLI.

Instead of a single image, you can point Feh to an entire directory, such as feh ~/Pictures . This opens the first image, then you can use the right and left arrow keys to cycle through the entire folder.

 ?? ?? As you’d expect, Feh has dozens of useful CLI options, and it’s prudent to skim through its manual before using the viewer.
As you’d expect, Feh has dozens of useful CLI options, and it’s prudent to skim through its manual before using the viewer.

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