Linux Format


Version: 0.5.3 Web: https://github. com/vzhd1701/gridplayer


If the default video player in your distro doesn’t work for you, there’s always VLC. There’s very little it can’t do. That is, if you can navigate through its extensive menu, which is especially cumbersome for the average desktop user. This has given rise to a plethora of video players that wrap VLC’s dexterity around an easy-to-use interface purpose-built for a specific task.

GridPlayer is one such VLC-based app that is designed to play multiple videos at the same time, the only limit being your hardware.

Download GridPlayer’s AppImage from its website, and make it an executable with chmod +x .

The player launches with a bare interface that doesn’t even have a menu bar. Instead, all the options are rolled up in the right-click context menu. Use it to open one or more video files, or just drag and drop them in the interface.

The player starts playing the videos when you open them. You can then keep on adding as many videos as you want, and the player keeps arranging them side by side in a grid. By default, all videos are muted, which is a good thing.

The video grid is configurab­le, and you can easily change its layout to suit your needs. For instance, you can rearrange the position of the videos by simply dragging and dropping them.

Use the spacebar to pause and resume all videos, though you can control playback for each video independen­tly. Since it’s based on VLC, GridPlayer can run pretty much every video format out there. Also just like VLC, it enables you to control various aspects of the playback, including the aspect ratio, playback speed, zoom and more.

In addition to offline videos, the app can also stream videos from YouTube and other websites because it includes yt-dlp.

 ?? ?? As its name suggests, GridPlayer is meant to play multiple videos in a grid. But you can ask it to zoom in and play a single video instead.
As its name suggests, GridPlayer is meant to play multiple videos in a grid. But you can ask it to zoom in and play a single video instead.

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