Linux Format



Linux Mint https://linuxmint. com

For years, Linux Mint was considered the best distro for Windows switchers, thanks to its desktop, which mirrored Windows 7. While Elementary is slicker, Linux Mint is robust and well supported, and its Cinnamon edition should be your first port of call if you fail to take to Elementary.

Pop!_OS https://pop.

This distro comes from Linux PC manufactur­er System 76 and is tailored to STEM and creative profession­als. However, it’s still a good choice for Windows switchers and anyone who wants to prioritise using their computer over spending ages configurin­g, tweaking and ultimately troublesho­oting it.

Ubuntu https://ubuntu. com

Like Elementary itself, most of the distros featured here are based on Ubuntu, so why not give the original a try when testing different flavours of Linux? The Gnome desktop will be different from what you’re used to, but doesn’t take long to master, and Ubuntu is the best-supported OS of any in this roundup.

Zorin OS https://zorin. com/os

Zorin OS is aimed at switchers, to the point of highlighti­ng the fact that its Appearance app is geared towards letting you fine-tune its desktop to resemble the version of Windows or Mac OS you’re migrating from. Even so, its Ubuntu origins remain unmistakab­le behind the slick desktop interface.

Manjaro Linux https://manjaro. org

Unlike the other distros we’ve featured, Manjaro is based on Arch Linux. While Arch Linux is considered difficult to learn, it’s fast and powerful, and Manjaro is a specially built variant with user-friendline­ss in mind. It comes with a choice of desktop, including the slick and modern Plasma desktop from KDE.

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