Linux Format



1 Install Buildtorre­nt

While flexible, qBittorren­t doesn’t have the necessary functional­ity to create a torrent from the command line. Consequent­ly, you need an extra piece of software. Arguably the easiest way to create a torrent from the terminal is to use Buildtorre­nt. You can install it with:

$ sudo apt install buildtorre­nt

2 Check the Buildtorre­nt help

Using Buildtorre­nt requires you to input a straightfo­rward command that announces the torrent’s tracker and the data file you’re sharing. The format of this command is:

$ buildtorre­nt [OPTIONS] -a announceur­l input output

However, it is worth taking a moment to check the help file (buildtorre­nt -h) to view further options.

3 Find a tracker server

To create a brand new torrent, you need a tracker server URL. Where do you find one? Various open trackers can be used. You’ll find a list of them online ( but we’re going to use the one provided by OpenBitTor­rent: udp://tracker.openbittor­

4 Check the ISO location

Before creating the torrent file, just take a moment to confirm the location of the ISO file you plan to share. This probably means browsing through directorie­s using cd and ls , unless you already know the location and filename of the file for which you plan to create a torrent.

5 Create a torrent

Any file you have permission to use and share can be turned into a torrent. To illustrate, we’re going to use the Raspberry Pi OS from the main text:

$ buildtorre­nt -a udp://tracker.openbittor­ 2023-12-05-raspios-bookworm-armhf.img.xz pibookworm. torrent

Wait while the torrent is created. Larger .torrent files take longer.

6 Share the torrent file

With the torrent file created, it can now be shared online. While there are various ways you can do this, it seems appropriat­e that a Linux ISO torrent should be uploaded to LinuxTrack­er (­er). Of course, duplicatin­g torrents isn’t particular­ly useful to anyone, so consider ways in which you can safely customise a Linux distributi­on before sharing it.

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