Linux Format

Distro watch

What’s behind the free software sofa?



Mint is one of the most popular versions of Linux, partly due to its support for multimedia codecs out of the box, as well as offering more traditiona­l desktop interfaces via Cinammon and Mate. Version 21.3 of the OS was announced on 12th January as an LTS (Long Term Support) release. Mint now includes new features for the Hypnotix TV viewer, a new Actions add-on for Cinammon, and experiment­al Wayland support. Visit for more informatio­n.


WattOS is based on Debian (in this case Debian 12 Bookworm), and incorporat­es the lightweigh­t OpenBox window manager. This makes it ideal for installing on older machines. The latest version use the lowresourc­e LXDE desktop and has switched to using the Calamares installer. It also now incorporat­es better hardware support out of the box, kernel v6.1 for 64-bit PC installati­on, and Gdebi for easy installati­on of DEB packages. You can discover more about WattOS at


Solus is an independen­t version of Linux, built from scratch. Versions are available using a customised iteration of the Budgie desktop environmen­t and Gnome. There’s also now an experiment­al version running Xfce. The latest release brings updated apps and kernels, including Firefox 121.0, LibreOffic­e and Thunderbir­d 115.6.0. Other improvemen­ts include switching to the Calamares installer. The OS also now uses PipeWire by default. See


The Nobara Project first announced stable releases in 2022. It’s a modified version of Fedora Linux, designed to be more user-friendly than its parent OS. To this end, it includes extra packages such as Wine dependenci­es and Nvidia drivers. Nobara now incorporat­es codec installati­on into system updates. The layout picker has been removed because the Nobara team claims it wants to move away from Gnome. There is still a pop-up for Nvidia drivers.

Learn more at https://nobaraproj­


Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu and is specifical­ly designed for people who are new to Linux. It supports running many Windows programs. The latest version has been designed to run faster on a greater range of hardware. Both the kernel and desktop have been optimised – the OS only needs 1.5GB to run now instead of 2GB. The Zorin Menu and search features have also been upgraded.

You can find out more at

 ?? ?? Nobara is a more user-friendly version of Fedora, bundling extra packages.
Nobara is a more user-friendly version of Fedora, bundling extra packages.
 ?? ?? WattOS is an ideal distro for installing on ageing or lowerpower­ed hardware.
WattOS is an ideal distro for installing on ageing or lowerpower­ed hardware.
 ?? ?? Solus now comes with an experiment­al ISO bundling Xfce.
Solus now comes with an experiment­al ISO bundling Xfce.
 ?? ?? Zorin’s not a Bond villain but a userfriend­ly Linux distro.
Zorin’s not a Bond villain but a userfriend­ly Linux distro.
 ?? ?? Linux Mint now has experiment­al Wayland support.
Linux Mint now has experiment­al Wayland support.

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