Linux Format

Blue Recorder

Version: 0.2.0 Web: https://github. com/xlmnxp/blue-recorder


Gnome Shell’s built-in screen recording feature is good for capturing the odd clip, but it can’t stack up against a dedicated screen recorder if you need to record longer sessions. Blue Recorder

is one such app that gives you greater control over all aspects of the recording, including video quality, output format, sound capture, frame rate and more.

Blue Recorder is available on Flathub and can be installed with the following command: flatpak install flathub­er .

The app exposes all its tricks in a single pane. You begin by specifying a name for the recording and where you want to place it. By default, Blue Recorder

uses the timestamp when the recording was initiated as the name.

Next, use the drop-down menu to select a format for the recording. By default, the app uses MP4, but it also supports MKV, WebM, AVI, WMV, NUT and GIF formats. The app defaults to recording the entire screen, but you can also ask it to record a particular window or a specific area of the screen.

Blue Recorder captures both audio and video at 60fps straight out of the box. But you have the option of adjusting the frame rate and even recording the video without audio.

A useful option is the ability to show and follow the mouse in the recording. There’s also a pull-down to help you select the audio input source. You can also define a delay to help you prepare the screen before the recording commences. If all you need to do is hide the app’s interface, use the Auto Hide option to save yourself a click.

Once it’s done recording, the app takes a couple of seconds to process and save the screencast. Use the Play button in the app to replay the recording, or navigate to it using your distro’s file manager.

 ?? ?? The good thing about Blue Recorder is that it can record screencast­s in Wayland on both Gnome and KDE.
The good thing about Blue Recorder is that it can record screencast­s in Wayland on both Gnome and KDE.

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