Love Patchwork & Quilting



Make a striking improv-pieced panel zip case using flirty florals and bold solids for a mix and match design

Make a striking improv-pieced panel zip case using flirty floral prints and bold solids for a mix and match design


Q Seam allowances are ¼in, unless

otherwise noted.

Q Press seams to one side, unless

otherwise instructed.

Q RST = right sides together.

Q Fabrics supplied by our friends at

Sewing Quarter (sewingquar­


Q Prints are from the Sunkiss Fat Eight

Bundle by Tilda.

Q Solids are from the Fat Quarter Bundle

by V & Co. for Moda.



From the solid fabric cut: Q Three (3) 10in squares. Q Two (2) 4in x 10in pieces. Q One (1) 7in x 10in piece. Q Four (4) 1½in x 3in strips.



Make a 7in x 10in improv panel, using the following method. Gather your scraps and start sewing together using ¼in seams, starting in the centre. Press seams before adding the next piece, and try not to add pieces in a circular motion.


You might be tempted to trim straight edges every time you add a piece, but this isn’t necessary. Just make sure each scrap you add has one straight edge. Place a scrap on top of your improv piece, stitch a ¼in seam along the new scrap piece, then trim away any excess fabric. 4

When you’re close to 7in x 10in, place your ruler over the panel. Check if there are any areas with gaps that need filling. Sew small scraps to these areas to fill the space. Once you’re happy, trim the panel to size.



Press under ¼in at one short edge of one of your 1½in x 3in strips. Place at one end of a zip and topstitch in place. Repeat at the other end of the zip. Trim the zip to 10in long. Repeat with the remaining zip.


Sandwich one zip between the two 4in x 10in pieces of solid fabric, aligning raw edges, and sew in place using a zipper foot. Press open and topstitch next to the zipper.


Place the 7in x 10in improv piece right side up. Place the zip from step 6 right side down on top, aligning the remaining zip edge. Place the 7in x 10in solid piece on top, right side down. Sew in place, open and topstitch as before. Trim the whole unit to 10in square to create the purse front.


Lay the purse front on top of one 10in square of solid fabric, right sides facing up. Baste the sides and treat as one piece. 9

Sandwich the remaining zip between the purse front and a 10in square of solid fabric (lining), RST. The zip should be facing the purse front, with both zip pulls on the same side of the purse. Sew the zip in place, open, and topstitch as before.


Attach the remaining 10in squares of solid fabric to the other side of the zip, as before. The square on the wrong side of the zip is the lining fabric. Unzip both zippers at least halfway.


Now unfold the stitched pieces so the purse front is RST with the other outer piece on one side of the zip, and the lining pieces are RST on the other side of the zip. Fold the centre zip so the teeth are facing the lining side. Pin or clip in place.


Sew all the way around your purse, leaving a 5in turning gap at the bottom of the lining, and backstitch­ing at the beginning and end to secure your stitches.


Clip your corners and turn the purse right side out. Press under the raw edges of the turning gap and stitch closed. Push the lining into your purse to finish.

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