Love Patchwork & Quilting


Fabrics scraps and ruler at the ready – grab our diamond templates on p83 as Kate shows you just how easy it is to sew your first Y-seams with these simple steps



1Use a template to cut out the pieces for your design. Kate used sets of three diamonds to make hexagon shapes. You can use the diamond templates on p83, or any other size you would like to choose. When you’re trying this technique for the first time, you may find it easier to start with larger size pieces, such as the large diamond.

2Mark a in seam allowance at each corner of the diamond. Use a quilting ruler to measure in along one edge, and make a mark with a removable fabric pen (Fig A). Repeat on each side of the shape, forming a cross at each corner (Fig B).

3Another option for marking the seam allowance is to make a frame template. Simply trace your template onto cardstock or template plastic, mark in from each edge and cut out the centre of the shape. With the frame template on top of your cut piece, mark a dot in each corner (Fig C).


4Arrange the prepared pieces in your desired pattern (Fig D). Take the first two pieces to be sewn, and place RST. Sew between the two marked points along the side to be joined, backstitch­ing at each end (Figs E–F). Make sure your sewn seam does not extend into the seam allowance at either end, and leave the seam unpressed.

5Take the third shape and place RST with the sewn unit along the first side to be joined (Fig G). The marked point of the third shape should align with the seam sewn in step 4. Sew together between the marks as in step 4, from the outer edge towards the centre (Fig H). When you reach the end of the seam, make sure to push the seam allowance from first seam out of the way. Again leave the seam unpressed (Fig I).

6Align the sides of the third seam to be sewn, RST (Fig J). You will need to fold the unit to align the edges. Sew between the two marks, again working from the outer edge towards the centre, and keeping the previous seam allowances out of the way.

7Press the seams to one side, in a clockwise manner (Fig K). As the seam allowance is unsewn at the corners, it will create a neat spun seam in the centre. This helps to reduce bulk from the seam allowance in the centre point of the sewn unit.

8To make a larger piece, continue adding pieces until you complete your desired pattern. You can also sew several pieces to make small units, and then join the completed units together.

Save all the seam pressing until the design is complete. This allows you to achieve the neat spun seams across the entire piece, and also makes it easier to sew the units together.

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