Love Patchwork & Quilting


- Satomi has been quilting for ten years and often takes inspiratio­n from her travels to create her modern quilts satomiquil­ satomi_quilts

4 From the green fabric cut:

■ Two (2) 3½in squares (L).

■ One (1) 2½in x 16½in (N).

■ Two (2) 2½in x 10½in (M).

5 From the background fabric cut:

■ One (1) 3¼in square (C).

■ Four (4) 1½in squares (D).

■ Two (2) 4½in x 1½in (E).

■ Two (2) 4½in squares (O)

■ Two (2) 2¾in x 21in.

■ Two (2) 2¾in x 12½in.


6 Follow steps 12–20 of the quilt instructio­ns to make one rainbow block.

7 Sew the background 2¾in x 12½in strips to either side of the block. Sew the 2¾in x 21in strips to the top and bottom to complete the cushion top. Press all seams towards the background strips.


8 Layer the batting on top of the lining fabric. Then layer the cushion top and backing fabric both right side up on top of the batting. Baste and quilt as desired.

9 Trim away the excess batting and lining fabric and square up the cushion front and backing piece to 17in x 21in.

10 Mark 2in from both ends along the bottom edge of the cushion top on the wrong side. Place the backing RST with the cushion top. Stitch from one edge using a ½in seam allowance and stopping at the first mark. Backstitch to secure. Repeat stitching from the other end. Using a long basting stitch, stitch between the two marks, again using a ½in seam allowance. Press the seam open.

11 With the cushion pieces wrong side up, place the zipper face down, centring along the basted seam. Pin, then baste the zipper in place. Stitch along the edges of the zipper using a zipper foot, and backstitch­ing to secure it in place.

12 Carefully remove the basting threads over the zipper, using a seam ripper. Make sure that you stop at both of the 2in marks. You can use a pin at each end to ensure you do not unpick too far.

13 Open the zipper half way. Place the cushion front and back RST. Sew around the remaining three sides of the cushion, using a ½in seam allowance. Go around again using a zigzag stitch within the seam allowance to secure raw edges. Turn right side out and press to finish.

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