Love Patchwork & Quilting


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How did you develop your unique appliqué style?

I’m always creating for my brand, Cocon. The more pieces I’ve made, the more my unique style has naturally developed!

Tell us a little about your process - from designing to the finished piece.

At first, the image I have in mind is very vague. Next, I tend to do some research and start putting a plan together for shapes and colours. I then directly cut into the fabrics, quite spontaneou­sly. I like to keep harmony in each design, so keep an image of the finished piece in mind as I sew all the motifs.

The technique often lends itself to using small scraps of fabrics. How else can quilters be mindful of sustainabi­lity when making appliqué projects?

To be mindful, we need to make a process where we actively participat­e in recycling what we consume. We all have to think as deeply as possible about where our materials come from, how they’re used and who is going to use the finished items. Being aware always starts with making sense of where we source our materials!

Do you tend to prefer hand or machine appliqué, and why?

Hand appliqué! With it, I can create absolutely any shape I want. Because of the stitches, when it comes to machine appliqué, I find that the shape becomes too flattened… these stitches bother me visually! Even though it's not my technique of choice, I sometimes have to use the machine for a sturdier finish.

Do you have any tips for LP&Q readers looking to develop their hand appliqué skills?

Do it, again, again and again! Even if you make mistakes… That's what all scraps are for!

 ?? ?? Above: Masami's Wall Folk Art Decors. She carefully dyes her linen fabrics in her Paris studio with natural plant dyes
Above: Masami's Wall Folk Art Decors. She carefully dyes her linen fabrics in her Paris studio with natural plant dyes
 ?? ?? Cover image: Joyful Bird is one of Masami's favourite creations. She loves the process of making by hand, from dyeing the fabrics to adding colourful stitches on top
Cover image: Joyful Bird is one of Masami's favourite creations. She loves the process of making by hand, from dyeing the fabrics to adding colourful stitches on top
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