Mac Format

I use my Mac for

Design polymath Gavin Strange does it all on the Mac!


What doesn’t Gavin Strange use his Mac for?

Q What do you use your Macs for? GS: A bit of everything! Graphic design, illustrati­on, photograph­y, film making, animating, motion graphics, a bit of 3D, designing toys, gaming, surfing, tweeting, Facebookin­g, updating – pretty much everything you can think of! Archiving, storing, organising. Everything and anything!

Q The Droplets are great. How do you use your Mac to create them? GS: Making the Droplets, my collection of vinyl toys, has really pushed the Mac into all sorts of directions. I start off with paper, doodling the designs, and then get straight into Adobe Illustrato­r to bring the characters to life. I send off the Illustrato­r files to the production factory and they send me back photograph­s of early sculpts that they’ve made by hand. I then use Photoshop to annotate my feedback and then send it back over to them, and then we go back and forth until I start receiving real samples, which I then catalogue by photograph­ing and then start sharing the work in progress on social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook.

Once the finished toys are ready, I move onto the packaging design, using Photoshop, Illustrato­r and InDesign to work that up. I like to capture and document the creation of most things, so I fire up Premiere Pro CC and create some sort of behindthe-scenes edit and share that online, too. I try and share everything I do, because I’m just so damn excited and stoked that I’m lucky enough to work on such fun projects! Q What made you pick Macs for this work? GS: I’ve always worked on Macs. It’s the design of the hardware that always attracted me, the minimalism of everything. Nothing feels out of place and whatever’s there is there for a reason! The software is a huge part for me, too. I just love how intuitive everything is. It’s very easy to use. The ecosystem of the iPad and iPhone is a big draw too – oh, and the Apple TV, how can I forget that? Photos synced to my telly is the best thing ever!

Q You also work at Aardman Animations (the creators of Wallace&Gromit). How important are Macs there? GS: The designers and directors are big Mac fans. It’s a fair mix between MacBook Pros, that are great for being on the move with, but then the mighty iMacs are great for working big. I haven’t seen any of the new Mac Pros being used yet – now that’s something I’d like to play with!

Q What work are you most proud of? GS: I’m most proud of my five-foot tall Gromit for the Gromit Unleashed project last year. I was one of 80 internatio­nal artists given the chance to customise a Gromit that was part of a 10-week-long art trail here in Bristol, and which were then auctioned off for charity at the end. My Gromit was bright pink and gold, covered in illustrate­d statistics that were designed on the Mac and then laser-cut out and hand-applied to the dog itself. I’m so very, very proud to say my creation sold for £29,000 on the night of the auction, with every penny going to the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. In total we raised over £2.3million that night! It’s something I will never ever forget, and why I’m most proud of it!

 ??  ?? Series Two of the Droplets stand at 2.5 inches tall and come in a handcrafte­d box signed by Gavin.
Series Two of the Droplets stand at 2.5 inches tall and come in a handcrafte­d box signed by Gavin.

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