Mac Format

I think I cleaned my Mac a bit too thoroughly


I bought Washing Machine, having previously used the brilliant CCleaner in Windows. Looking at Washing Machine, I was concerned at how drastic it might be. The system showed I could remove 5GB of duplicated files, which was what I expected. But what a disaster!

I lost 63GB of data including an entire folder of unique business contracts. I restored the missing files with Time Machine, but all my sidebar settings and Smart folders had gone and it took a lot of work getting everything back as I wanted it. Maybe I did something wrong? Chris Dobson

My view is that disk declutteri­ng utilities are generally not worth the trouble. Data is valuable and disk is cheap. Besides, you won’t gain much and you risk catastroph­e if you remove something load-bearing. We talk of files ‘clogging up’ a hard disk, as if your data needs adequate ventilatio­n or a full disk somehow constitute­s a fire hazard. I almost always end up replacing my Macs before their hard disks become full. On the odd occasion where I suddenly need a huge swathe of empty space for something, I run DaisyDisk (daisydiska­pp. com) to see what’s really gobbling up the gigabytes. Usually I end up deleting a folder full of outtakes from a video project, or an MMO game I don’t play any more, not log files or my browser cache. These are small fry, fished from an everreplen­ishing pond. 5GB of storage is worth about £4. If freeing up that much space will really make any sort of difference to you, just buy a USB stick and archive your old applicatio­ns, or buy an external hard disk.

 ??  ?? If you forget your password, you can always consider creating a new account, as a last resort. The iTunes devices list is the only place you will normally see your iPad appear. The safest and cheapest solution to a full hard disk is usually just to buy...
If you forget your password, you can always consider creating a new account, as a last resort. The iTunes devices list is the only place you will normally see your iPad appear. The safest and cheapest solution to a full hard disk is usually just to buy...

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