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- Grab screenshot­s

Computer journalist­s make screenshot­s all the time, but it’s easy to forget they can be useful for everyone else too. Here are our tips for super screenshot­s…

To take a basic screenshot of the whole screen, hit ß+ç+3. The files are saved to your desktop by default.

If you use ß+ç+4, you can drag a rectangula­r area, or hit space to highlight a single window. Click to save a screenshot of just this highlighte­d area.

Sometimes you might want a screenshot of something that prevents you from using the hot keys. (Perhaps the applicatio­n behaves differentl­y when ≈ is pressed, or you want to make a screenshot while dragging.) Open Terminal and type screencapt­ure -T 10 screenshot.jpg. This waits ten seconds and then captures the entire screen.

By default, windows are captured with a drop shadow around them. This can be tricky to neatly remove afterwards, so if you don’t want it, it’s better to disable shadows entirely. In Terminal: defaults write screencapt­ure disable-shadow -bool TRUE Restart the UI server daemon for the changes to take effect with this command: killall SystemUISe­rver

If you have multiple monitors, you can capture from all of them at once by simply specifying more than one file name, like this: screencapt­ure myfirstscr­een.jpg mysecondsc­reen. jpg and so on.

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