Mac Format

HOWTO | build your first quiz


1 Set up headers

Click Format for the Format Inspector and set the column headers to 0. Next, type ‘Question’ into cell A1, ‘Select your answer here’ into B1, ‘Correct?’ into C1 and ‘Score’ into D1. Type ‘Answer’ into E1. Select the header row and style it using the Format Inspector’s Text tab.

2 Add choices

Type a question into A2, then select B2. On the Cell tab on the Format Inspector, change Data Format to Pop-Up Menu. Enter possible answers by double-clicking an item to rename it, or tap + for a new one. Click the Start With First Item menu and change to Start With Blank.

3 Answers and formulas

Type the right answer into cell E2, making sure it matches the answer in the popup menu in B2. Select cell C2, enter the formula <code>=IF(B2=E2, “Yes”, “No”) </code> and click the green tick button. Type <code>=IF(C2=”Yes”, 1, 0)</code> into D2 and click the tick.

4 Test formulas

To check the formulas are correct, select B2, and click the drop-down menu and choose a wrong answer. You should see ‘No’ and ‘0’ appear in cells C2 and D2. Select the right answer – the cells should update to ‘Yes’ and ‘1’. Once verified, set the menu back to blank.

5 Add next question

Repeat the steps for the second question. When you come to fill in C3, select C2 and press ç+c. Next, select C3 and press ç+v to paste in the formula, which is automatica­lly updated to apply to the current question. Repeat the process for D3 using D2.

6 Use multimedia

Insert sound, movies and photos into your quiz, from the Media button or by dragging files from a Finder window into Numbers. Take care with photos – if you drag them onto a cell they embed as a background. Resize the row to accommodat­e the media object.

7 Set up scoring

At the bottom, type SCORE into the next available cell in column C. Type ‘=SUM’ into the adjacent cell in column D and select cells in column D from D2 down to the final question for the total score. Right-click column E and choose Hide Column to hide the answers.

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