Mac Format

Monument Valley

A sweet, enticing puzzler that even Escher would scratch his head at

- £2.99 Developer ustwo, monumentva­ Works with iPhone, iPod touch, iPad Version 1.0.1 Age 9+

This contemplat­ive, quiet trek through illusion-soaked puzzle lands is all about altering the perspectiv­e – moving your view or tweaking a dial to make two disconnect­ed parts of the levels meet, letting your character walk to the exit. Change one small thing and a bridge might fall into place, or a barrier is removed. Inspiratio­n is no doubt pulled from the surreal artwork of MC Escher, but also possibly from Echochrome, an ultraminim­al puzzler released on PlayStatio­n platforms. Frustratio­n is thankfully rare across the 10 multistage chapters, though some solutions do require a fair bit of tinkering to discern the right pattern of moves to guide your heroine to the exit.

What makes Monument Valley really magical is its sensationa­l presentati­on. It’s a compact experience – less than two hours in total, unless you dawdle around a bit (which would be understand­able, considerin­g the sights) – but we kept taking screenshot after screenshot from start to finish, as each locale proved more magnificen­t than the last. The settings are cleanly, precisely drawn, punched up with a vivid colour palette, and made divine with rich animations. Add in the haunting soundtrack and the adventure builds incredible atmosphere inside a short span of time.

Occasional hints of story serve as a nice hook to pull you through to the dazzling later areas (and a nice conclusion), though we wish the puzzles required a little more contemplat­ion as the game progressed – or at least that there was a bit more of the game and its terrain. There’s no question of worth, however: Monument Valley is surely one of the most beautiful games we’ve ever played. Andrew Hayward

Monument Valley’s dazzling aesthetics and deceptive terrain combine wonderfull­y to form a rich, memorable experience.

 ??  ?? If Escher were to design a tower block that was also a Rubik’s Cube, then… ta-da.
If Escher were to design a tower block that was also a Rubik’s Cube, then… ta-da.
 ??  ??

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