Mac Format

Photo editing Masterclas­s

Plus! How to take pro-quality shots with your iPhone


Do you remember how grainy that first iPhone camera was? The shots were small – 2 megapixels – and decidedly mediocre. Apple knew its limitation­s back then, and it’s long since overcome them. From the iPhone 4S to the present day, the sensor has run to a full 8 megapixels and pops out shots that are ripe for anything, from posting online to printing on canvas.

The sensor is only half the story, though. Apple has worked just as hard on the lens to deliver a sliver of glass that’s bright, clean and razor sharp. The results are first class, and the iPhone now sports one of the best pocket cameras in any mobile device.

It’s been paired with intuitive applicatio­ns that let you control the hardware and tweak its output with ease, and Apple has built hooks into the underlying code that allow developers to take it further. That’s why apps like Instagram, Analog and Photoshop Touch work so smoothly on the iPhone: it’s the perfect pairing of hardware and software, from both Apple itself and its developer community.

Over the next few pages we’ll show you how you can get the most out of the one camera you carry wherever you go. We’ll walk you through the photograph­y best practices that apply whichever camera you’re using – whether it’s your iPhone, compact or DSLR – reveal the MacFormat team’s everyday shortcuts for transferri­ng images between our phones and our computers, and show you how you can make your best shots really zing, with simple and surprising­ly effective editing techniques. All in all, it makes for happy snapping!

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