Mac Format

Focus stacking

Increase the depth of field in images without resorting to a tiny aperture


Combine several images for an improved focus field in Photoshop Elements


Take things further


Up to several hours

YOU’ll NEED A camera, Photoshop

Elements 9 or later

Focus stacking is the art of taking the sharply focused areas of several images and blending them into a single picture. It’s of most use in macro photograph­y, since depth of field decreases with focus distance, and taking photos at tiny aperture sizes to increase it means longer exposure times, the use of artificial lights and a risk of soft images thanks to diffractio­n as light rays bend at the edges of the diaphragm, spreading across multiple photosites on the sensor.

Lenses are often at their best with their apertures a few stops down from wide open, often around f/8, so stacking allows you to use them at their sharpest and tweak the depth of field in postproces­sing. Users of full Photoshop can automate this technique, with the app automatica­lly aligning and merging layers. There’s no such functional­ity in Elements, unfortunat­ely, so everything has to be done by hand. We won't be covering alignment here, but it’s useful, because changing the focal point can make elements of the image appear to move in relation to one another. This can, however, be worked around.

Stacking allows you to use images at their sharpest and tweak the depth of field in post-processing

Setting up your camera in a fixed position, manually focussing the lens using live view and taking the required number of exposures can take time.

We did this using Expert mode in Photoshop Elements 12, a version of which is available on the Mac App Store, but the important tools were introduced in version 9. Ian Evenden

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The chillies we've used here will go on to be used in a curry. Such is the price of fame for vegetables.
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