Mac Format

Alfred the Great?


As a new subscriber to MacFormat’s print edition, which I’m enjoying hugely, I think your Spotlight article ( MF291) was very apposite. I have recently installed Alfred (alfredapp. com), a productivi­ty app for OS X, on my MacBook Pro. Yes, it does Spotlight, only much better, and a whole load of other stuff besides. It all becomes second nature as it quickly attunes itself to one’s Mac usage (file‑searching, app-launching, etc) from a few keyboard strokes. The dock has gone into hiding and the trackpad… now, where is that?

You will be aware of Alfred’s existence, but for the benefit of any readers who are not, I would strongly recommend they check it out! The app will speed up their days and greatly increase the fun quotient of their Macs. The latest version (2.7.2) is free

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