Mac Format

Mysterious ghost typing


Whenever I type the word ‘test’, it gets instantly and automatica­lly replaced with ‘echo "test"’. I think this was something I did myself a while ago (I’ve been learning to program in Python) but I can’t remember what it was and I can’t find how to remove it. Dan Strickland It sounds like you have added an autocorrec­t substituti­on. You can delete this in the Text tab of the Keyboard preference­s pane. You can also see the same autocorrec­t entries via Terminal using

(Before Mavericks, the preference file was NSUserRepl­acementIte­ms.) So it’s possible your programmin­g experiment­s added a new entry using the ‘defaults write’ command. Text substituti­ons only take effect in places where ordinary text is expected though, like in Notes or TextEdit. They won’t work their magic in Safari’s address field, for example.

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