Mac Format

Manage windows on multiple displays


1 Use Moom In Moom’s preference­s, click Custom and then + (bottom left) to create a new shortcut. Set it to Move & Zoom and fill the right-hand side of the grid. Click in the box to the top right of the grid and press ≈+å+‘. Now when you use that shortcut, the current window will resize to fill the right half of the display.

2 Move between displays Create a second shortcut and set its behaviour to Move to Other Display. Click the rightmost radio button and then enable ‘Loop through displays’. Set the shortcut to ≈+ß+‘. Each time you press this key combo, the current window will move to the next display, eventually coming full circle.

3 Test and expand Open a Finder window and press the shortcut from step 2 a few times. Try interchang­ing it with the shortcut from step 1. Open Mail and put it on your Mac’s second screen, open a new message by pressing ç+N, and move it to your other screen. Powerful, huh? Now add any other shortcuts you want.

4 Use Better Touch Tool You can add similar functional­ity to a trackpad. In Better Touch Tool, select Trackpads, click Add New Gesture and set the gesture to 5 Finger Swipe Right. Click the Predefined Action pop-up and pick Move Window to Next Monitor. Just like with Moom, performing this gesture repeatedly will take a window full circle.

5 Move and resize Better Touch Tool offers two more actions for moving a window between displays: Maximise Window to Next Monitor makes it as big as possible (but doesn’t switch it to full-screen mode); Center Window on Next Monitor centres the window on the next screen as soon as it’s moved there.

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