Mac Format

NEXT ISSUE ON SALE Tuesday 8 May 2018



As you speed along a country road with a roaring engine pulsing in your ears, a voice extols the machine’s power and handling. But the camera zooms out to reveal a twist. This is no car; it’s the Macintosh Quadra. Stylish and clever!


In 1999, the world was panicking about the Y2K bug, but Macs were immune. Apple highlighte­d this with an advert featuring HAL 9000 from 2001: ASpaceOdys­sey, brilliantl­y remade and revoiced.


As Mac users, we like to tell ourselves we’re different from PC users. Apple used this to great effect in its ‘Get a Mac’ series, pitting a trendy Mac fan against a staid PC user. Debuting in the US in 2006, the ads hit the UK in 2007.


‘Shot on iPhone’ had a simple premise: show the power of the iPhone’s camera with customer photos. The results were beautiful and surprising in equal measure.


Arguably Apple’s most famous advert was its ‘1984’ piece. Inspired by the novel by George Orwell, it called on computer users to fight back against comformity in the personal computer world.


One of the most famous slogans in advertisin­g history, ‘Think different’ first made its mark in 1997. It was a play on IBM’s ‘Think’ slogan that set Apple apart.


Apple advertised the iPod with dancing silhouette­s on bright background­s – a great way to highlight its fun and lively nature.


A slogan so infectious it became a selling point for the iPhone, ‘There’s an app for that’ entered common parlance in 2009. Simplicity itself, it perfectly summed up the benefits of the iOS ecosystem and Apple’s nascent App Store.

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