Mac Format

Reminders alternativ­es for iOS



£9.99 FROM Haha Interactiv­e, goodtaskap­ Needs iOS 12 or later

Ease of use

GoodTask is easy when it needs to be, but more powerful options are available without being in your face. The view options let you see your upcoming tasks on a calendar or in a list, making it simple to get a quick overview.

Quick entry

When you add a task you get a matrix of quick actions to choose from, such as due dates and times, tags and context-aware options (like location), and these can be customised. Swipe right and you get more fine-grained control; swipe right again to add a subtask.

Apple integratio­n

GoodTask automatica­lly imports anything added in Reminders. It has apps for Mac and Apple Watch, and your reminders instantly sync across all your iCloud devices. You can add tasks with Siri or from Share sheets, and the app comes with four Shortcuts presets.

Advanced features

GoodTask is chock-full of clever extra features. There are smart lists, themes and a useful Today view widget, and you can add text snippets to quickly specify a time or date. Almost everything can be tweaked in the settings, and it’s all backed up by comprehens­ive support documentat­ion.


£3.99 FROM Mark DiFranco, Needs iOS 11 or later

Ease of use

Reminders are laid out in a grid, giving you a fast, handy rundown of your tasks. The For You tab shows them in upcoming order, but there’s no calendar view. Helpfully, you can tap a list’s header to quickly minimise it.

Quick entry

You need to be in a list or the Reminders tab to add a new reminder; there’s no persistent ‘add reminder’ button. The app doesn’t parse text snippets; instead, tap Time Alert, Location Alert or Add Note to add details. You can tap due times like ‘This evening’, which can be customised.

Apple integratio­n

Like GoodTask, Memento imports your entries from the Reminders app, syncs with iCloud and can add reminders using Siri or Share sheets. There are no Shortcuts presets, but the app can use ones made in the Shortcuts app. There is an Apple Watch app, with a Mac app currently in beta.

Advanced features

Memento lacks many of GoodTask’s power features. There is a Today widget, but you have to tap it to show detailed info. About the only power feature we could find that Memento does better is being able to customise what actions you can take when you get a notificati­on or alert.

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