Mac Format

HOW TO Send a message with Photos, Effects or GIFs >


1 Find a GIF to send

Click the new message button or click on a message thread in the sidebar. Type your message in the box, then click the ‘A’ to display the available options. Choose ‘#images’. Scroll through the GIFs to find the one you want.

2 GIF with a message

You can also use the search box to find images. When you’ve found the one you want, click on it to add it to your message. Press send to send the message, or press the ‘X’ in the corner of the GIF to remove it.

3 Image with effects

Effects play an animation over the whole screen of an iOS device or window in macOS. Follow the steps above to create a new message. This time, when you press ’A’, choose Message Effects. Choose an effect and press Send.

4 Message with a photo

Follow the steps above for sending a GIF, but choose Photos instead of ‘#images’. Or, find the photo you want on your Mac and drag it on to the message window. You can add multiple images. Press Send when you’re done.

5 Send a Memoji

In a new message, click on the ‘A’ and choose Memoji stickers. To send an existing sticker, click on it and press Send. To create a new one, click on the More (…) button and choose New Memoji to open the Memoji creator.

6 Create a Memoji

Go through the options for skin, hair, accessorie­s and the rest to create your Memoji. When you’ve chosen all the options you want for each sections, press Done to create the stickers. You can now add a sticker to your message.

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