Mac Format

Quick-fire questions


How should I clean my Mac’s caches out?

> You shouldn’t need to, although they can malfunctio­n or you might want to rebuild items like font caches. Start up in Safe mode, with the ß key held (or via M1 Recovery), let your Mac run for a couple of minutes, then restart normally. This can cure various problems, and should be harmless.

How can I check for errors in my Mac’s log?

> The log is now busy and can contain tens of thousands of entries every minute, making this difficult. The bundled utility Console works mainly with a live stream of messages, and makes it hard to look back. Free apps Ulbow and Mints show log history; they’re at­tilities.

How to open my encrypted disk without a password?

> If it’s an APFS (Encrypted) volume or encrypted by FileVault, and you didn’t set up a Recovery Key, you’re out of luck unless you’re a government security agency. Even then, only the password can unlock an encrypted volume.

Why does spellcheck dislike ‘there’ so often?

> With three words to choose from, the macOS spellcheck­er often gets this wrong. As it’s correctly spelled, you can’t add it to your dictionary. Select the word and click the Learn button in the Spelling and Grammar panel.

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