Mac Format

Master Apple shortcuts macOS


ç is the Command key, which is also labelled cmd.

å means the Option key, labelled alt or opt.

≈ means the Control key, labelled ctrl, and shown as ^ in shortcuts in the menu bar.

ß is the Shift key.

∫ is the Delete key, which deletes to the left. ƒ+∫ deletes to the right.

† is the Tab key, which shifts the focus between some controls.

A tap is a brief contact of (usually) one finger on your device’s screen.

To drag is to move a finger across the screen to scroll or pan around content. Swipe means move one or more fingers across an item or the screen, then let go.

A flick is like swiping, but it’s quicker, and is often used to scroll content more quickly. Pinch means move two fingers together or apart, usually to zoom in or out.

Touch and hold means lightly rest your finger on an item and wait for a reaction.

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