Mac Format

Export passwords


>Whether you want to use a password manager like 1Password, set up a new Mac without Keychain in iCloud, or just want a copy for reference, exporting your passwords from Safari or the Passwords pane is a great solution. It’s available in the Export item in Safari’s File menu, and the More button at the foot of the Passwords section in the app preference­s or Passwords.

This exports them in CSV format, ready to import into Safari on another Mac, or most password managers. Some expect the order of fields to be different, in which case, open the file in Numbers, reorder the columns, and export it to another CSV file. Don’t forget to make it inaccessib­le to others by encrypting it, perhaps keeping the copy in an encrypted disk image.

 ?? ?? When you export your passwords, ensure that the file is protected by robust encryption.
When you export your passwords, ensure that the file is protected by robust encryption.

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