Mac Format

HOW TO Customise your Magic Keyboard >


1 Choose repeat options

In System Preference­s > Keyboard, choose the Keyboard tab. Use the sliders to set how long you must hold down a key until it repeats (Delay Until Repeat), and how quickly it repeats after that (Key Repeat).

2 Set function keys

By default, function keys are media keys. However, if you want to use them as function keys, check ‘Use F1, F2 etc as standard function keys’. Use the menu above to set what the Globe key does. Choose settings for the backlight.

3 Change shortcuts

macOS has a number of standard keyboard shortcuts (see left), but you can change them. Go to System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts. Choose a category, then a shortcut, click on the key combinatio­n and type a new one.

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