Mac Format



The political pressure is not just focused on market rules though. Apple has also faced criticism for its dependence on China when it comes to manufactur­ing and its closeness to officials who are part of the country’s

authoritar­ian regime. Tim Cook himself is essential to these dynamics, according to reporting by The Informatio­n. The company would no doubt highlight how it is trying to diversify where it manufactur­es it products, so it is less reliant on China.

Benjamin Ismail, the director of the AppleCenso­rship project run by GreatFire, an organisati­on that monitors and challenges internet censorship in China, told MacFormat: “Apple continues to censor apps in its App Stores for political reasons and we continue to uncover instances of apps (VPNs, LGBTQ+ related apps, religious apps, etc.) being removed from App Stores.”

He added that, “China’s App Store remains the most censored App Store.” Among other things, AppleCenso­rship has recorded multiple Bible apps being removed from it. “App takedowns from Apple’s App Stores are just one example of the well-documented censorship policies resulting from Apple’s relationsh­ip with Beijing. Those policies also include censorship of media, design, emojis, engravings, and more,” Ismail said.

 ?? ?? Apple’s reliance on Chinese manufactur­ing has been under scruntiny
Apple’s reliance on Chinese manufactur­ing has been under scruntiny

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