Mac Format

HOW TO Customise your Apple Watch


1 Find your face

Press and hold your Apple Watch face and it’ll come smaller, with a Share and Edit button below it. Let’s find something more interestin­g. Swipe from the right of your Watch until you see the New icon. Tap on it to see the available watch faces.

2 Style or substance?

Some watch faces, such as Contour, are more about style – but the Modular faces are designed to be packed with informatio­n, so we’re going to choose Modular for our new watch face. Simply tap on Add to add it to your Watch.

3 Choose a background

Some watch faces give you a choice of a black or coloured background. To move between them, turn the Digital Crown and you’ll see the background change on screen. Don’t worry about colours: that’s our next step.

4 Choose your colours

Swipe from the right and you should now see the Colours screen shown here. Options vary from face to face, and in the case of Modular there are some subtle, pastel and almost monochrome versions as well as the more colourful one here.

5 See the complicati­ons

Swipe from the right again and you’ll see the available complicati­ons slots. Some are very limited – the slot currently showing the date can only show that – but most have a huge selection of different complicati­ons.

6 Change everything

With Modular you can have one big complicati­on in the middle – we’ve picked the rain forecast from the available Weather complicati­on – and four icononly ones. We’ve picked alarms, timer, analogue time and temperatur­e for ours.

7 Change the app view

If like us you find the App View of all your apps pretty but also hard to navigate because of its tiny icons, you can change it in Settings > App View. Choosing the List View replaces the grid with a scrolling list in alphabetic­al order.

8 Adjust notificati­ons

You can make your notificati­ons more or less prominent, for example by disabling the red dot indicator or by getting Siri to read out new notificati­ons when using headphones. Go to Settings > Notificati­ons to make these changes.

9 Adjust the haptics

You can also change the vibrations by going to Settings > Sound and Haptics. Here you can make the vibrations much stronger and enable or disable vibration when you use the Digital Crown. You can also adjust the volume of audio alerts.

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