
Make stylish email signatures for iOS

Learn how to add website and even FaceTime hyperlinks to your signature

- Alan Stonebridg­e

many of us like to include hyperlinke­d text in our email signatures. Often this will be a link to a website – perhaps for your business, or maybe one for each of your social network accounts.

Sadly, the ability to create signatures in iOS’s Settings app is limited, and doesn’t allow for hyperlinki­ng text at all. Thankfully, you can use Pages, which is now free for devices running iOS 10.0 or later, to work around this limitation. The steps below show how to accomplish this.

What you can’t do solely with an iOS device, though, is create links that enable contacts who also use Apple devices to call you using FaceTime – Pages doesn’t permit you to link to resources accessed using protocols other than HTTP. So, we’ll show you how to use a Mac app with proper HTML-based message editing to achieve this.

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