
Save the current page or send it elsewhere


Reading List

Pages you add to this are saved on your Mac, so you can read them without being online. To add one, put the pointer over the search bar and click the + , or use ß+ç+D. To see the list, pick View > Show Reading List Sidebar.


The best way to add the current page to the favorites that appear when you place the focus in the search bar is to drag and drop the icon from there to the grid position where you want it.


To add a bookmark for a page to any folder, put the pointer over the search field and ≈- click on the + on the left (or click it with two fingers on a trackpad), move the pointer down the folder list, then let go over the desired folder.

Other apps

With a page open, click in the search bar and then drag the icon that appears to Finder to save a hyperlink as a file, or into a doc in apps such as TextEdit and Notes – handy for consolidat­ing research.

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from Australia