
How to Use Slide Over


Open Slide Over

With one app already open, swipe up from the screen’s bottom edge to reveal the Dock, then hold a finger on an icon there. When the icon grows a little, drag it up out of the Dock; a large panel will expand out of the icon. Let go and the app will appear in a floating window over the right side of the screen. Take a peek behind

To tinker with the controls behind Slide Over’s window, drag left on the handle and hold the window just out of the way. While holding it in place, you can interact with things that were just behind it. When you’re done, drag a little toward the window’s starting point and let go. Slide over to the left

Slide Over is not confined to the right side of the screen. Flick left on the handle (the horizontal bar) at the top of it to push the window over to the left side. This comes in very helpful when you need to work with something that’s underneath the window but keep the window around for reference. Slide Over st icks around

An app that’s open in Slide Over will disappear if you switch to another main app. It’s just off the screen’s right edge; swipe inward to bring it back. To use a Slide Over app’s full interface, open it from the Home screen; its window will return when you go to another app. Temporaril­y hide it

Alternativ­ely, flick the handle toward the right to tuck the window off that side of the screen. This doesn’t close the Slide Over window, it just hides it temporaril­y off that side. Swipe inward from the right edge to bring it back. Swiping further inward brings the window back and to the left side in one move. Exit Slide Over

You can leave Slide Over’s window hidden off the edge of the screen, but if you then tap its Dock icon while using another app it’ll slide back into view. To properly close Slide Over, switch from it to Split View (see tip 12 opposite) and then drag the divider to a screen edge.

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