
>Smart home living

- Jennifer Phin is tempted by hassle-free wireless charging

YES , it’s really happening! Wireless charging on the iPhone 8! And iPhone X too, but let’s not get carried away, huh, trusty Amex-trapped-inthe-icebox? You’re for emergency dental treatment only. And flights in the event of a surprise Hamilton ticket lottery win.

Mind you, owning an iPhone 8 or X with built-in wireless charging has to be better than my current collection of irksome cases, which have to be placed just so on their charging stations. Like that. No, straighten it up a little. A tiny bit left. Yes, that’s it! It’s charging, see the little light flashing on the back – no, don’t pick it up! (I’m also dreadful at street parking and pool.)

Even better, Apple is using industry-standard Qi charging, which for a company that can turn hard-earned adaptor cables into obsolete eBay trinkets in the course of a keynote, is both welcome and impressive.

The only snag is there’s nothing wrong with my current iPhone. It should last at least two more years, maybe more if I stop handing it to my kid when we’re stuck in traffic. I’m bemoaning the longevity of my hitherto unimaginab­ly powerful pocket computer when my husband offers a nerdy distractio­n.

“While you’re waiting for that one to, er, die,” he lowers his voice a little, like the phone can hear him, “You could get some of those Qi kits from Ikea and make more charging stations.”

Within hours we are at Ikea, the kid asks to “look after” my iPhone in the ball pool – she does this annoyingly well – while I fill a bag with Rällen wireless charger kits. I also purchase a special holesaw and drill bits that look wildly dangerous, but I’m sure with enough enthusiasm and perhaps some safety goggles, I can add a wireless charging station to every piece of wood-effect furniture I own.

I’m ready for you, iPhone 8. Or X. Say, what’s that, Mr Amex? It’s cold in there? Wait there – I’ve got just the saw we need.

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