
Quick Look Using Yoink


Add items

Tap the + button to add items to Yoink, whether they’re stored in iCloud or on the Clipboard, or to insert a web address.

Edit items

Tap Edit to give a new title or descriptio­n to items you’ve added to Yoink, one by one — or to remove items you no longer need there.


Yoink recognizes when a text snippet or web address is copied to the Clipboard and asks whether to import the item to its shelf.

Virtu al shelf

This is where shelved items appear. Tap the three dots beneath an item for more actions you can perform on it, such as sending it elsewhere via iOS’s built-in Share sheet.

Clear the shelf

Tap this icon to delete Yoink’s contents, or to show any files you’ve sent to the app’s Trash.

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from Australia