
HOW TO Create and organize tasks in Planny 2


1 Items and lists

Tap the + icon to create a list. Then, when you want to add a new item, tap on the list to select it and use the + at the lower right of the screen. Tapping items enables you to assign them to dates or times.

2 Everything easily viewed at a glance

As you can see here, Planny lists what you need to be reminded about on your iPad or iPhone screen. You can press and hold to open items, and then tap to mark items as completed.

3 Color and plan lists

When you’re in a list, tap the ellipsis (‘…’) icon to customize it. You can assign the entire list to a particular time and date, which is handy for event planning or projects, and you can even change its color.

4 Add extra info

Tap on an item featured in a list and you’ll see this pop–up menu, which enables you to add it to today’s tasks, set a date or time, change the list it’s in, add notes or tags, and create reminders specific to a location.

5 Set a location

Location reminders — only available in Planny Pro — work like Apple’s Reminders app: choose the location and specify whether you want a reminder when you arrive or when you leave — it’s useful for shopping.

6 Add Siri Shortcuts

Planny 2 supports iOS 12’s helpful Siri Shortcuts so, for example, you can have a shortcut that gets Siri to display a specific list from your Planny data. All you need to do is speak a voice command.

7 Change the options

You can do lots with the settings Planny gives you: import Calendars, sync over iCloud with other devices, add game–style trophies for using the app, and protect your personal data with Touch ID or Face ID.

8 Share your routines

Routines are for recurring things, such as exercising or practicing, or even just your everyday chores. Adding them in More > Routines means they’ll show up as suggestion­s on all the appropriat­e days.

9 Tame it with tags

For bigger lists, such as projects or your secret plans for world domination, you can use tags to add multiple identifier­s to items. That makes them much easier to find when you’re in a bit of a hurry.

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