
Optimize your health

Track everything about your well–being with Gyroscope

- Tim Hardwick


iPhone running iOS 10 or later, Apple Watch


How to feed health data into one app and get helpful insights


15–30 minutes

Hopefully, you’ve been following (and benefittin­g from) our monthly “Improve Yourself” tutorials. We’ve looked at a number of ways in which you can harness Apple technology to track various aspects of your life, and then use that data to optimize your health and overall wellbeing.

In this concluding piece in the series, we introduce you to Gyroscope, a unique wellness tracking app that corrals data points from a range of sources into a unified dashboard, and makes it easier to interpret facts and figures by giving you the benefit of context.

Indeed, Gyroscope is unlike other apps, since it delivers trends and correlatio­ns based on data you already provide to other apps and services. All you need to do is link them to Gyroscope to gain insights into a host of lifestyle factors including sleep, activity, mood, productivi­ty level, activity, fitness, meditation, food intake, weight, blood sugar, and more — all while maintainin­g full control over who can see your data.

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