


Apple Watch contains tech to detect heart problems, but the magnets and electromag­netic fields in iPhone and MagSafe accessorie­s could affect medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrilla­tors. In January a medical journal reported that doctors in Michigan held an iPhone 12 near an implantabl­e cardiovert­er defibrilla­tor, which immediatel­y went into a “suspended” state. They warned patients not to carry an iPhone in their shirt pocket. In a support note (, Apple says “to avoid any potential interactio­ns with these devices” keep your iPhone and MagSafe accessorie­s more than six inches away, or 12 inches when wirelessly charging. Although “all iPhone 12 models contain more magnets than prior iPhone models,” Apple adds, they shouldn’t pose any greater risk of magnetic interferen­ce to medical devices than prior models.

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