
Manage Mac windows



Click hold the zoom (green) button at the top–left of a window. You can then send it to a screen half and choose a second window to fill the rest of your screen. This enables you to work with fewer distractio­ns.


Cmd+Tab shows the App Switcher. With Cmd held, press H on an app to hide it or Q to quit it. You can navigate with arrow keys, use up arrow to enter App Exposé and Tab to return to the App Switcher.


Command+H will hide the current app and all its windows. Alternativ­ely, focus on the current app by using Command+Option+H, which hides all other apps. Command–Option–click an app’s Dock icon for the same.

> TRY MISSION CONTROL Modern Mac keyboards have the F3 key trigger Mission Control, which shows all open windows. But hold Cmd while pressing that key and you’ll instead see your Desktop. Use Option+F3 for the Mission Control.

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